eBike Program Orientation

ORIENTATION: Prior to checking out an eBike for the first time, residents who have completed the registration process must attend an eBike program orientation. The orientation will cover the check out and check in process, proper use of the eBike, basic safety tips for riding with traffic, how to secure the eBike when making a stop, and what to do if the eBike malfunctions or if there’s an incident on the road.

Orientation meetings will be scheduled as needed to start. The meeting dates, times, locations, and registration details will be posted on the HADCO calendar. Orientation meetings may be cancelled or postponed if no residents have registered for the meeting by two days before.

Click here to register for an upcoming orientation meeting

At the end of orientation, the resident will have an opportunity to take the eBike for a short ride to ensure they understand proper eBike operation and feel comfortable riding. The program orientation takes place in person at the HADCO main office or at the Vine Street Apartments. 

HADCO encourages residents who want to participate in the eBike Lending Library to review eBike safety information on the Oregon Department of Transportation website prior to their scheduled orientation meeting. Safety and eBike operation informational cards will be given to residents with a bike lock when checking out an eBike.